It's hard to believe that today is my oldest baby's 5th birthday! This birthday seems like such a big deal to me. This is the year she will no longer be called a "preschool age child", no longer fit in the clothes from the "little kid" section of the store, no longer have to take a daily nap (except on Sundays, because as we told her, even God took a nap on the seventh day!). She'll be starting Kindergarten!
And she has also announced that now that she is 5, she will NOT be scared of the McDonald's play-land with the shaky rope bridge. We'll see about that one. I told her we'd try it sometime, but I have squeezed and crawled through that ridiculous play-land filled with rude and unruly children on too many rescue missions to try it again anytime soon.

The five years since we brought her home from the hospital have gone by so fast. I remember looking down at her little round newborn face and being gripped with sudden and total panic at the thought of being responsible for this tiny life. What was I going to DO?! How was I going to keep this helpless little thing alive?!

But somehow, we have made it through five years already, and I am so thankful for the time that God has given us with our amazing, artistic, expressive, funny, beautiful daughter. Thank you God for each moment!
Happy Birthday Lily, and may you have many, many, many more!